The Food Pantry will be closed Wednesday March 19, 2025.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions in our community. Your generous donation will fund our mission to feed and cloth people in need.
We are called to feed and clothe God's people in need.
We believe nutritious food contributes to good health.
We value people with love, hope, compassion and dignity.
Food Pantry Hours
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
11:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. @ Project Hope
6201 North 60th Street; Omaha, NE
Located in the lower level of
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
Clients must stay in their vehicles.
Third Saturday of the Month
Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry
10:00 a.m. - Noon
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
1725 South 60th Street; Omaha, NE
First Sunday & Third Monday of the Month
One 14 Center Pantry
1st Sunday Noon - 2:00 p.m.
3rd Monday 4:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Lutheran Church of the Master
2617 S 114th Street; Omaha, NE
Clothing Pantry Hours
Tuesday and Thursday
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. @ Project Hope
Clothing pantry is located in the upper level of
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
Food Donations Needed:
Cereal, Cereal Bars, and Granola Bars
Oatmeal, Cornbread Mix, Pancake Mix, and Syrup
Jelly and Peanut Butter
Canned Fruits and Vegetables
Canned Beans (Baked, Refried, Black, Pinto, and etc.)
Canned Meats (Tuna, Chicken, Sardines, Clams, and etc.)
Boxed Potatoes
Hamburger, Chicken, or Tuna Helper
Rice & Pasta any type or as Packaged Side Dishes
Salsa, Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo and Salad Dressings
Brownie and Cake Mixes
Flour and Sugar
Cooking Oil
Also Needed:
Small Bottles of Dish and Laundry Soap or Pods
Hand Sanitizer, Hand Soap, Body Wash and Bar Soap
Shampoo, Conditioner, and Deodorant
Toothpaste and Toothbrushes
Facial Tissues, Toilet Paper, and Paper Towels
Diapers Sizes 5/6 and Baby Wipes
Deliver your donations to Project Hope on
Tuesday and Thursday from
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Deliveries accepted at the east door on the lower level.
Project Hope receives a portion of our food from the USDA through the Emergency Food Assistance Program, also know as TEFAP.
No ID or additional information is required to receive TEFAP food(s) as long as you are under the monthly gross income limits.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Click the download button below to view the complete USDA Nondiscrimination Policy.
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement (pdf)